Leading The Way With
New Technology

광산기계 및 플랜트전문 (주)원덕산업기계


Leading The Way With New Technology

Cone crusher (Spring type)

  • Strong impact pressure can create a higher crushing effect.
  • Distributor at the top of machine can adjust the regular supply and the amount of distribution.
  • Strong main body of machine supported by a block type of spring can guarantee accurate crushing and consistent particle sizes.
  • Low height of machine and simple main body structure can facilitate machine installation, operation, repair and maintenance.
  • No trivial malfunctions leads to low costs.
  • Wide range of same types of machine available for easy part delivery and easy repair of trivial malfunctions
Model No. Feed Opening Approx. capacity (t/h) Power (Kw) Pulley (rpm) Approx weight (ton)
Closed (mm) Open (mm) 4 6 10 13 16 20 25 30 40 50 60
WCSH-900 80 70 27 48 57 65 80 37-55 630 12
WCF-900 90 105 37 45 55 70 80
WCC-900 124 140 45 50 70 80 90 105
WCSH-1200 70 11 70 90 110 135 75-110 530 24
WCF-1200 120 140 55 72 90 110 135 155 185
WCC-1200 120 190 72 90 110 135 155 185 200
WCSH-1300 75 100 82 110 130 160 215 95-130
530 28.5
WCF-1300 130 150 90 110 130 160 180 215
WCC-1300 180 200 110 130 160 180 215 230
WCSH-1680 100 140 125 160 190 225 150-190 510 49
WCF-1680 170 200 145 190 250 290 335
WCC-1680 235 265 190 250 290 335 390 410
WCSH-2100 130 180 220 280 330 390 450 200-300 435 79
WCF-2100 210 245 280 360 430 560 700 800
WCC-2100 300 335 360 430 560 700 800

Machine capacity is based on general lime stone not wet or being rock containing moisture.

Hydraulic type of cone crusher

  • Can prevent clogging of the crushing room due to broken steel pieces.
  • High speed rotation can improve the productivity by at least 20%.
  • Minimal setting of 8mm accuracy suitable for the sand production.
  • Technical expertise cannot be mimicked, or machine ability cannot be followed.
Model No. Feed Opening Approx. capacity (t/h) Power (Kw) Pulley (rpm) Approx weight (ton)
Closed (mm) Open (mm) 4 6 10 13 16 20 25 30 40 50 60
WCC-900 125 140 30 52 49 54 7 86 97 113 37-55 650 11
WCSH-900 20 70 30 52 62 70 86 86 97 113
WCC-1200 170 190 76 79 97 119 146 167 200 216 75-110 550 22
WCSH-1200 70 100 76 97 119 146 146 167 200 216
WCC-1300 180 200 89 119 119 140 173 194 232 248 95-130
550 26
WCSH-1300 75 100 89 119 140 173 173 194 232 248
WCC-1500 210 235 108 140 173 173 216 248 292 324 130-150 530 32
WCSH-1500 90 100 108 140 173 250 216 248 292 324
WCC-1680 235 265 135 173 205 205 270 313 605 756 443 150-190 530 48
WCSH-1680 100 140 135 173 205 243 270 313 605 756 443
WCC-2100 300 335 238 302 356 421 389 464 605 756 864 200-300 450 75
WCSH-2100 130 180 238 302 356 421 496 464 605 756 864

Cone crusher (FSC type)

  • Even when setting the mantle with lots of movement and low slope, it can help ensuring stable mutual crushing of particles.
  • It is also simple to adjust the setting with complete hydraulic devices (option).
  • Strong release spring maintains the setting to help maintaining the product particle size with consistency.
  • Consistent fuel supply by the distributor and the rotation structure of the concave can prevent irregular abrasion on the mantle concave.
  • Excellent lubrication device can guarantee a safe start-off.
  • Simple structure design can facilitate maintenance, repair and management.
  • Small size of parts to be worn off, thus it is possible to reduce the part costs.
Model name Max injection specs(mm) Motor Aggregate crushing ability (The capacity of crushing, t/h) Crushing production ability (Sand capacity, t/h)
Exit setting interval (Discharge setting gap, mm) By product specs (Sand size, mm)
6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 5 4 3.5 3 2.5
WFSC-900 30x45x60 75 34 38 42 46 50 57 24 19 17 14 12
WFSC-1300 40x60x75 175 82 90 96 108 120 131 44 35 30 26 22
WFSC-1680 50x75x95 220 162 184 204 223 241 259 276 292 58 47 44 39 34
WFSC-2100 60x90x120 350 300 328 354 380 405 429 84 71 64 57 49